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Thursday, April 03, 2008


Okay, so this has been a good season for American Idol. But there is one thing that has really impressed me. If you consider the talent this season, I’m being impressed by something really small. No, it’s not that the boys are much more impressive than the girls. It’s not that this is the first season that the contestants are allowed to play instruments. It’s not even the 17 year old phenom David Archuleta.

I believe his name is Rickey Minor. You probably don’t recognize his name, but Rickey Minor is the guitarist in the band that plays behind the Idols. In my opinion, he is one of the highlights of this season. You may not have noticed him, but he’s been center stage quite a bit, sitting next to whatever Idol he’s making sound good. For a real treat, watch for him. More importantly, listen for him. You’re in for a treat.

While I’m on the topic of Idol, I’ll make some predictions. I’ll start with the final four:

David Archuleta – This kid has such a pure voice. You can watch the dollar signs in Simon’s eyes whenever this kid sings. I REALLY wish they would record the full version of Imagine. It was fantastic.

David Cook – Being a Missourian, I’m secretly rooting for him. He’s definitely more polished and creative than any of the others.

Michael Johns – Unique voice. I thought he would be a one hit wonder, but he has proved to be more versatile than I thought.

Here’s where it gets tougher.

Brook White, Jason Castro and Carly Smithson. I’m going to go with Brook White. I’m pulling for Jason, because I really like his style and I’m downloaded most of his songs so far. Hallelujah and If I Fell were done extremely well.

Kristy Cook and Syesha are next to go.